SLNS - We can't buy health in medical hall

Mn-Sn: 7am to 11am

Parkinsonism Defied-Recovery Achieved

Srinivas Rao conquered Parkinson’s tremors, reclaiming his life

At 48, Mr. Srinivas Rao’s life took an unexpected turn when he visited Naidu Hospital in Hyderabad, seeking relief from ankle pain. Diagnosed with diabetes by Dr. Naidu, he began a regimen of medications. However, the challenges didn’t stop there. In 2009, severe neck pain and dizziness led him to BHEL Hospital, where Dr. Prakash Reddy’s thorough examination revealed cervical spondylitis. This diagnosis brought more medications and the addition of a neck belt to his daily routine. Despite these interventions, symptoms persisted, leading him to Medcity Hospital in 2012 for numbness in his hands and legs. A ten-day hospitalization and numerous medications later, the exact cause remained elusive. Seeking alternative solutions, he turned to Ayurveda at Vaidhyanada Medical Store under the guidance of Dr. Manika Reddy, experiencing symptomatic relief but no definitive diagnosis.

By 2014, walking and waking up became difficult, prompting visits to ESI and Deccan Hospitals. Although his insulin was stopped, and a vague neurological condition was suggested, no concrete diagnosis emerged. Undeterred, Mr. Rao continued with lifelong medications and regular check-ups. His journey took a concerning turn in 2020 when dizziness and fatigue brought him to Archena Hospital. Here, Dr. Srinivasa Naidu diagnosed him with hypertension and an increased blood glucose level, necessitating insulin and hypertensive medications. A new layer was added to his health puzzle when Parkinson’s Disease was identified by his spouse’s sister, leading to additional medications.

Mr. Srinivas Rao’s Parkinsonism condition, diagnosed in 2020, manifests as tremors, stiffness, and slow movement. It affects his daily activities and requires lifelong medication for management. This neurological disorder, characterized by the degeneration of nerve cells in the brain, leads to symptoms that progressively worsen over time.

S.NoPresent medicationMedication
(After Treatment)
Mechanism of the drug
1Telmisartan 40mg
12.5 mg(1-0-0)
TAPEREDInhibits binding of angiotensin II to its receptor which lowers blood pressure, reduces cardiovascular risks, and protects kidney function in hypertensive patients.
2Glimepiride 0.5 mg
Metformin hydrochloride 500 mg
(0-1-0 )
0-1-0Stimulates insulin release from pancreatic β cells, managing type 2 diabetes.
Inhibit hepatic glucose production induced by glucagon used for type 2 diabetes management.
3Metoprolol succinate – 23.75 mg
0-1-0Cardioselective beta blocker acts on beta 1 adrenergic receptors which Lowers blood pressure, reduces heart rate, and decreases risk of heart attacks.
4Atorvastatin calcium 40 mg
TAPEREDInhibits HMG- CoA reductase
5Aceclofenac – 100 mg
paracetamol 325 mg
TAPEREDAnti-inflammatory & analgesic by inhibition to prostaglandin synthesis and Reduces pain and inflammation, improves joint mobility
6Levodopa 100 mg
Carbidopa 10 mg
(1/2-1/2-1/2 )
1/2-1/2-1/2Increases dopamine levels in brain & decreases symptoms of parkinsonism which Improves motor function, reduces tremors
7Aspirin 150 mg
0-1-0NSAIDs, inhibits the activity of  COX. Reduces pain and inflammation, prevents blood clots, and lowers risk of heart attack and stroke.
9Biphasic isophane insulin injection
(24units-0-22 units)
TAPEREDLowers blood sugar by stimulating glucose uptake and Controls blood sugar levels, reduces diabetes complications, and improves overall glycemic control.


Srinivas Rao’s journey to wellness is truly inspiring! Through the power of nature cure treatments and a carefully crafted diet, he has successfully tapered off multiple medications, including Telmisartan, Hydrochlorothiazide, Glimepiride, Metformin, Metoprolol, Atorvastatin, Aceclofenac, Paracetamol, Levodopa, Carbidopa, Aspirin, Multivitamins, and insulin injections. Embracing holistic healing, his health has dramatically improved, reducing his reliance on pharmaceuticals and enhancing his overall vitality.

2Homa IR4.303.28
3HS CRP8.55.7
4Vitamin D17.8560.73
6Alkaline phosphatase134.7128.2
7Urinary micro albumin32.4<5.5


Srinivas Rao’s improved biomarkers over 31 days highlight the benefits of naturopathic treatments. His fasting blood sugar dropped from 191.09 to 146.54, indicating better glucose control. The HOMA-IR score, a marker of insulin resistance, improved from 4.30 to 3.28, showing enhanced insulin sensitivity. HS CRP, a marker of inflammation, decreased from 8.5 to 5.7, suggesting reduced systemic inflammation. Vitamin D levels increased dramatically from 17.85 to 60.73, supporting bone health and immune function. Triglycerides fell from 155 to 86, lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease. Alkaline phosphatase levels, indicative of liver and bone health, slightly improved from 134.7 to 128.2. Notably, urinary microalbumin levels dropped from 32.4 to <5.5, demonstrating significant kidney function improvement.