SLNS - We can't buy health in medical hall

Mn-Sn: 7am to 11am

Yoga Therapy


Yoga is one of the six systems of Indian ancient medicinal Philosophy. The word “Yoga” originates from the Sanskrit root “Yuj” which means “Union”. On the spiritual plane it means the union of the Individual self with the Universal self. Yogic science does not tell you what to do and what not to do; but it teaches you how to be. Yoga is not only a science but an Art of Living which works on all aspects of an individual and is a complete system of culture and education for the body, mind, emotion and intellect. The practice of Yoga helps anyone to gain good health, mental peace, emotional equanimity and intellectual clarity with a healthy body, clean mind and pure emotion. Maharishi Patanjali is regarded as “The Father of Yoga”. Patanjali identified all the teachings in the Vedas about mind and presented them in precise aphorisms which are called as “Patanjali Yoga Sutras”



1.    Meditation(dhyana) is one of the eight limbs of Raja Yoga According to Patanjali Yoga sutra

2.    “Tatra pratyayaikatǡnantǡ dhyǡnam – Uninterrupted stream of the content of consciousness is dhyana”.

3.    In this stage, the person is focused inward and only on singular object, name or idea

4.    It includes two things:

a.    Unbroken continuous flow of concentration of single object

b.    Awareness of that unbroken concentration


This is where things get really interesting. Using modern technology like fMRI scans, scientists have developed a more thorough understanding of what’s taking place in our brain when we meditate. Our brain stops processing information as actively as they normally would. There is a decrease in beta waves, which indicates that our brains are processing information.