SLNS - We can't buy health in medical hall

Mn-Sn: 7am to 11am

Exhaustion to Revival From SLE

Veena’s Journey Battling with SLE

Veena Vamsi’s journey began five years ago when life threw her a series of daunting challenges. Diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), her body seemed to betray her at every turn. Already managing hypothyroidism since 2014, Veena faced the additional burden of autoimmune vestibulitis, which brought with it a constant dizziness that made her world spin.

Recently, her struggles intensified with the diagnosis of fibroids in her uterus. The symptoms were overwhelming: heart palpitations that made her chest tighten, dizziness that left her unsteady, and the distress of urinary issues that made every day uncomfortable. Sleep, a refuge for most, became elusive, leaving her in a perpetual state of exhaustion.

But Veena is not one to give up. She sought healing through holistic practices, turning to yoga and naturopathy. Slowly but surely, her body responded. The dizziness began to fade, her heart found a calmer rhythm, and sleep, once stolen, returned to restore her energy.

S.No Present medication Medication
(After treatment)
Mechanism of the drug
1Hydrochloride sulphate 200mg (0-0-1)TaperedInhibits protein synthesis in susceptible organisms by inhibiting DNA and RNA polymerase.
2Folic Acid 5mg(Weekly twice)TaperedSupplement
3Methotrexate 7.5mg(Weekly once)TaperedIt promotes adenosine release and inhibits transmethylation reactions which reduces inflammation, alleviates pain, and slows disease progression


Hydroxychloroquine sulfate (200 mg, 0-0-1) inhibits protein synthesis in susceptible organisms, targeting DNA and RNA polymerase. Methotrexate (7.5 mg, weekly once) reduces inflammation, alleviates pain, and slows disease progression by promoting adenosine release and inhibiting transmethylation reactions. Including Folic Acid (5 mg, twice weekly) as a supplement supports overall health, compensating for nutrient depletion caused by Methotrexate. This tailored approach enhances treatment efficacy, patient comfort, and overall outcomes.

S.NoParameterBefore TreatmentAfter Treatment
2VITAMIN D25.4249.74


Naturopathy and yoga significantly impacted the patient’s health, as shown by improved lab results. White blood cell count decreased from 7.91 to 5.72, indicating reduced inflammation. Vitamin D levels nearly doubled, rising from 25.42 to 49.74, enhancing bone health and immune function. Alkaline phosphatase levels increased from 42.8 to 53.4, suggesting better liver function. Hormone levels showed marked changes, with 17-hydroxyprogesterone dropping from 156.25 to 36.23, cortisol increasing from 3.35 to 22.32, and deoxycortisol rising from 18.65 to 59.94, reflecting hormonal balance and stress adaptation improvements.