SLNS - We can't buy health in medical hall

Mn-Sn: 7am to 11am

Defeated RA Gracefully

GAYATHRI KALIA, a 56-year-old SOCIAL WORKER, was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis for the past 10 years, experiencing joint swelling and restricted movements. From childhood, she has suffered from chronic constipation with hard stools. At 21, she had AMEBIASIS, which rendered her stomach delicate, causing regular discomfort through gas, loose motions, and ongoing constipation. Lifestyle changes trigger adverse reactions and even slight alterations in her diet result in discomfort.

At 22, she faced URTICARIA with joint and epiglottis swelling, along with difficulties in swallowing, Gayathri endured 2 to 3 episodes. Steroid injections proved effective in controlling the condition. Simultaneously, she grappled with a challenging menstrual history, starting menstruation at the age of 11, marked by excessive bleeding, severe pain, and mood swings. Two ectopic pregnancies in 1992 and 1995 added to her reproductive struggles. Early menopause set in at 46.

In 2006, allergic rhinitis emerged, manifesting as throat pain, congestion, sinus issues, pharyngitis, laryngitis, and voice loss. Dental sensitivity surfaced in 2005 and persists. A positive TB diagnosis in 2006 affected her spinal column, while the following decade saw an increase in acid reflux, prompting her to seek relief through Ayurvedic medication. RA became more pronounced in 2013, leading to the use of Methotrexate and steroids, which unfortunately caused liver damage. SAAZ DS provided pain relief, leading eventually to a shift to Ayurvedic alternatives.

Two years ago, Gayathri faced a severe bout of sinusitis, followed by dry eyes in 2013 and eye inflammation in 2023, necessitating Cyclomune drops and Epiretinal Membrane Surgery. June 2023 brought skin depigmentation on her shoulder, neck, and below the eyelids, prompting consultation with a dermatologist. ELOCON and TACROLIMUS creams were initiated in August 2023. Raw vegetables trigger stomach upset. Gayathri’s medical history is intricate, involving autoimmune disorders, reproductive challenges, gastrointestinal issues, and a myriad of other complications. The comprehensive overview provides a foundation for targeted medical intervention to alleviate her symptoms, improve her quality of life, and address the multi-faceted nature of her health concerns.

S.NoPresent medicationMedication
(After Treatment)
Mechanism of the drug
1Methotrexate  7.5mg
(weekly once)
TaperedIt promotes adenosine release and inhibits transmethylation reactions which reduces inflammation, alleviates pain, and slows disease progression
2Prednisolone 40mg
TaperedIt binds to the glucocorticoid receptor inhibiting proinflammatory signals and promoting anti-inflammatory signals.


Due to nature cure treatments, the patient’s condition improved significantly, allowing for the tapering of medications. Methotrexate 7.5mg (weekly) and Prednisolone 40mg (daily) were both reduced, indicating better disease management and decreased reliance on pharmaceuticals.

S.NoBiomarkerDay 1Day 31  
7Vitamin B12422707
8Total Cholesterol213189


Gayathri Kalia’s improved biomarkers over 31 days underscore the benefits of naturopathic treatments. WBC count increased from 3.3 to 6.13, indicating a strengthened immune system. HDL rises from 39 to 44, enhancing cardiovascular protection. Triglycerides dropped from 207 to 142, reducing heart disease risk. Non-HDL cholesterol decreased from 172.7 to 150.8, further improving heart health. Testosterone levels significantly increased from 4.98 to 30.2, promoting better overall vitality and well-being. HS-CRP, a marker of inflammation, decreased dramatically from 6.2 to 0.9, indicating reduced systemic inflammation. Vitamin B12 levels surged from 422 to 707, supporting nerve function and energy production. Total cholesterol decreased from 213 to 189, contributing to better cardiovascular health. These biomarker improvements illustrate the transformative power of naturopathic treatments, leading to better health than before.