SLNS - We can't buy health in medical hall

Mn-Sn: 7am to 11am

Naturopathy for Parkinson’s Management

Madhan’s Journey: Overcoming Parkinson’s and Medication Side Effects

  1. Patient Overview: Madhusudan Prasad, a 68-year-old male, presented with a history of Parkinson’s disease, hypertension, sleep apnea, and digestive issues. He experienced increasing body stiffness, constipation, and a notable weight loss of 13 kg over the past year. Following treatment, his blood pressure improved from 126/84 mm Hg to 110/70 mm Hg, and his weight reduced from 75.8 kg to 73 kg, indicating positive progress in managing his health conditions.
  1. Treatment Composition and Dosage Changes:
S.NoPresent medicationMedication
(After Treatment)
Mechanism of the drug
1Telmisartan 40 + hydrochlorothiazide 12.5 (1-0-0)1-0-0 (hydrochlorothiazide tapered)

Blocks Angiotensin 2
2Tamsulosin and Dutasteride (1-0-0)1-0-0Alpha-blocker; relaxes bladder and prostate muscles
3Tamsulosin and Tolterodine (1-0-0)1-0-0Relaxes bladder and prostate muscles
4Levodopa and Carbidopa 100/25
1-1-1Dopamine precursor, converted to dopamine in brain
5Levodopa and Carbidopa (0-0-1)0-0-1Increases dopamine in the brain
6Rasagiline 1mg(1-0-0)1-0-0MAO-B inhibitor; increases dopamine levels in brain
7Amantadine hydrochloride 100mg (1-1-0)1-1-0Increases dopamine in the body

3. Consequences of Parkinson’s Medications and Symptom Improvement with Reduced Dosage: Medications prescribed for Parkinson’s disease, including Syndopa Plus, Syndopa CR, Azilect, and Amantadine, often caused side effects such as fatigue, constipation, nausea, dizziness, swelling, and dyskinesia. Gradual tapering of these medications combined with natural therapies such as probiotics, yoga, and detoxification led to significant symptom relief and long-term recovery potential without the need for continued medication.

4. Holistic Therapies Boost Mobility and Reduce Medication Reliance in Parkinson’s Management: Tapering medications resulted in significant symptom relief, while a high-fiber, antioxidant-rich diet and omega-3 supplements supported improved digestion, brain function, and energy levels. Complementary therapies, such as massage, yoga, exercise, and pranayama, further reduced stiffness and enhanced mobility. This holistic approach led to decreased reliance on medication, increased energy, improved digestion, and a notable improvement in Parkinson’s symptoms.

5. Blood Biomarkers:

  1. Ketones: Increased from 0.53 to 5.65, supporting brain energy metabolism, reducing oxidative stress, and improving motor control and cognitive clarity.
  2. Triglycerides: Decreased from 209 to 130, improving cardiovascular health and brain function.
  3. VLDL: Lower levels enhanced cardiovascular health and blood flow to the brain, supporting motor and cognitive functions.
  4. Amylase & Lipase: Decreased amylase (126 to 55) and lipase (138.5 to 51.4) levels indicated improved pancreatic function and metabolism, supporting better motor control and reduced stiffness.

6. Grading Summary Based on MDS-UPDRS (Movement Disorder Society Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale):

S.NoMDS UPDRS ScoresScore Before TreatmentScore After TreatmentComments
1UPDRS Overall Score8363Great Progression

7. Non-Motor Functions: The patient showed remarkable improvement in Parkinson’s non-motor symptoms. The initial score of 19/24 dropped to 2, reflecting significant progress. Key improvements included:

  • Apathy: Reduced from 2 to 1
  • Light-headedness: Reduced from 2 to 1
  • Constipation: Improved from 4 to 3

Challenges remain with:

  • Sleep problems (score 3)
  • Daytime sleepiness (4)
  • Fatigue (4) Overall, the improvements indicate enhanced well-being.

8. Motor Functions: Motor function scores improved dramatically from 7/12 to 2/12. Daily tasks such as eating, hobbies, and turning in bed saw significant improvements, reflecting better movement and quality of life.

9. Motor Examination: Initial motor examination scores of 6/8 reduced to 3, highlighting improvements in motor control, coordination, and overall physical well-being. Neck rigidity improved (from 4 to 2), and gait mobility improved (from 2 to 1).

10. Motor Complications: The patient’s motor complications improved significantly, with scores dropping from 9/16 to just 1/16. Time spent with dyskinesias decreased, the OFF state was completely resolved, and painful off-state dystonia improved, contributing to enhanced physical function and quality of life.

Conclusion: This holistic approach supports the body’s natural healing process, offering a sustainable path to improved health and effective symptom management without the need for Parkinson’s medications.