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SLE – Progressing Towards Remission


A 25-year-old woman, has faced a challenging journey with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus since her diagnosis at the age of 15. Her symptoms initially began with fever and a skin reaction following the use of medication, leading to severe mouth ulcers and difficulty eating. After several hospitalizations and treatments, including Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy and long-term medication regimens, including prednisolone and HCQ, she experienced significant side effects such as rapid weight gain. Despite improvement, her condition flared again in 2016, requiring further interventions, including antibiotics and immunosuppressive medications like MMF and Azathioprine. In search of permanent relief from her ongoing health struggles, Ms. Supraja turned to SLNS Nature Cure Hospital, seeking a holistic approach to managing her condition.

2.Patient Information:

Patient Name: Ms. Supraja

Age: 25 years

Ms. Supraja ,in February 2014, at the age of 15, was admitted to Chennai Padmini Nursing Home due to fever. They prescribed Dolo 650, resulting in a skin reaction turning her skin pink. Despite comprehensive blood tests, the cause remained undetermined. Subsequently, she developed ulcer burns in her mouth up to her throat, impairing her ability to eat. Due to escalating symptoms, she was transferred to Ayisha Hospital in Chennai, where they administered allopathic medications for fever. 

In 2014, she sought treatment at JIPMER Hospital in Pondicherry, where comprehensive testing led to a diagnosis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus by Dr. Negi, an immunology specialist. She underwent Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy for 25 days, resulting in gradual improvement. Additionally, they prescribe prednisolone 40mg HCQ 200mg folate 5mg vitamin d 500mg omeprazole 20mg to manage her condition. However, the medication led to significant weight gain, from 45 to 72 kilograms within two months.

In 2016 august 4, she was again admitted to JIPMER with oral ulcers, polyarthralgia, fever, lymphadenopathy and septicemia they sent blood culture and started on antibiotics-amikacin and ceftriaxone, she was afebrile after 4 days and they added MMF 500mg once a day after 2 years tapered all the medicines and currently she is taking HCQS and Azathioprine.

3.Medication History:
S.NoPresent medicationMedication
(After Treatment)
Mechanism of the drug
1Azathioprine 50mg
TaperedThis inhibition suppresses the proliferation of certain immune cells, particularly T lymphocytes, which are involved in the autoimmune response.
2Hydroxychloroquine 300mg
TaperedInhibits antigen processing and presentation and also inhibits inflammatory mediators such as IL -1 ,TNF alpha, prostaglandins.
3Prednisolone 40mg
TaperedIt binds to the glucocorticoid receptor inhibiting proinflammatory signals and promoting anti-inflammatory signals.

Following naturopathy and yoga integration into her treatment plan, the patient’s medication regimen has been gradually tapered. Azathioprine is now at 50mg once daily, Hydroxychloroquine 300mg and Prednisolone 40mg also tapered completely. This approach aims to minimize reliance on pharmaceuticals while enhancing overall well-being through holistic practices.

4.Naturopathic And Lifestyle Intervention:

Dietary Interventions: Anti-inflammatory diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fiber. Elimination of processed foods, refined sugars, and dairy to reduce inflammation. Herbal supplements like turmeric, ginger, and Ashwagandha to support immunity and reduce stress.

Physical Activity: Gentle exercises like yoga and walking to manage fatigue, improve joint mobility, and reduce stress.

Emotional and Mental Wellness :Mindfulness techniques such as meditation and deep breathing for emotional well-being. Consistent sleep routine with relaxation methods like aromatherapy or warm baths for recovery.

Hydration and Detoxification: Hydration with herbal teas like ginger to assist digestion and reduce inflammation.

5.Results And Follow Ups:
1HS CRP1.30.6
2HOMA IR1.771.44
8LYMPHOCYTE %15.827.9
10VITAMIN D4.5198.39
11VITAMIN B12177231

Supraja exhibited significant improvement across various health markers over a 20-day period, suggesting a positive prognosis and enhanced biomarker benefits. HS CRP levels decreased from 1.3 to 0.6, indicating reduced inflammation. Insulin resistance, as measured by HOMA IR, improved from 1.77 to 1.44. Homocysteine levels dropped from 19.8 to 14.4, which is favorable for cardiovascular health. ANA levels decreased from 178.24 to 119.73, reflecting potential autoimmune stabilization. Cortisol levels rise from 0.06 to 7.2, suggesting better adrenal function. Testosterone levels increased from 13.05 to 22.45, indicating improved hormonal balance. Lipoprotein A levels reduced from 47.7 to 30.1, beneficial for heart health. Lymphocyte percentage rise from 15.8 to 27.9, suggesting enhanced immune function. Deoxy cortisol levels increased from 91.7 to 105.78. Vitamin D and B12 levels showed significant improvement, rising from 4.51 to 98.39 and 177 to 231, respectively, indicating better overall nutritional status.

Eular Scale

CategoryParameterScore Before TreatmentScore After Treatment
1Oral ulcer21
2Acute Cutaneous Lupus63
3Joint pain62
5Anti Ds DNA60
6Low C3 or Low C430
Total EULAR Score25/517/51

Initially, the oral ulcer was scored at 2, reducing to 1 post-treatment. Acute Cutaneous Lupus showed significant improvement, decreasing from 6 to 3. Joint pain severity also reduced markedly, with the score dropping from 6 to 2. Fever, initially scored at 2, improved to 1. Anti-dsDNA levels showed complete resolution, decreasing from 6 to 0, and Low C3 or Low C4 levels improved from 3 to 0. The total EULAR score, calculated out of 51, improved from 25/51 before treatment to 7/51 after treatment, demonstrating substantial clinical progress.

Symptom Tracker:

1Mouth ulcer21
2Weight gain42
3Stomach pain41
4Hair Loss42
5Frequent illness30

Mouth ulcers decreased from a severity score of 2 to 1. Weight gain, initially scored at 4, reduced to 2, while stomach pain improved significantly from 4 to 1. Hair loss also showed progress, with the score dropping from 4 to 2. Frequent illness resolved completely, improving from a score of 3 to 0. Arthritis severity decreased from 5 to 3. Overall, the total symptom score improved from 22 before treatment to 9 after treatment, reflecting significant recovery and symptom management.


Ms. Supraja’s remarkable biomarker improvements within a short time frame suggest a promising prognosis and the effectiveness of a comprehensive naturopathic approach. The reductions in inflammation, stabilization of autoimmune markers, and improvements in metabolic and nutritional health indicate that her condition is being managed effectively through lifestyle interventions. This holistic approach has the potential to complement conventional treatments, offering significant benefits in controlling SLE symptoms and improving her overall health.


Ms. Supraja’s improvement over the 20-day period highlights the positive impact of naturopathic interventions on key health markers. The resolution of these symptoms greatly reduced systemic inflammation and enhanced her immune response, crucial for managing SLE. Alleviating joint pain improved her mobility and physical activity levels, while the resolution of oral ulcers allowed her to maintain proper nutrition, supporting overall health. Effective management of kidney stones and normalization of her weight further eased the burden on her organs, contributing to improved metabolic and renal health. The increase in cortisol levels points to enhanced adrenal function, which is essential for stress management and immune regulation. Similarly, the rise in testosterone levels suggests a positive shift in hormonal balance, potentially improving energy and overall well-being. These changes collectively suggest that the naturopathic approach has not only reduced the symptoms of SLE but also improved overall health and wellness.

The improvements observed in both the EULAR scale and symptom tracker underscore the treatment’s efficacy in managing systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The EULAR score, a globally recognized guideline for assessing disease activity, showed a remarkable reduction from 25/51 to 7/51, highlighting substantial clinical progress. Similarly, symptom severity scores improved significantly, with total scores dropping from 22 to 9. These outcomes, including reductions in oral ulcers, acute cutaneous lupus, joint pain, and other symptoms, demonstrate the positive impact of a comprehensive treatment approach aligned with international standards like EULAR.